A national production company is currently casting 4 up and coming child actors for a series of web shorts. This 9 time Emmy Award winning production company is in charge of all production materials for a major education websites re-launch and they are looking for fresh and exciting talent to be a part of it.
The web shorts auditions will be for 2 boys and 2 girls who are vibrant and mischievous ages 10 to 12. These roles will be non-speaking but will require the actors to be fun and light while showing how NOT to do several tasks. Casting directors are searching for just the right performers who can convey these “how not to do’s” non-verbally in a funny and entertaining way. This is a tremendous opportunity for any young performer to not only test the limits of their talents but to be exposed to a very large audience. This will be a fun, rewarding and educational experience and also a fantastic resume builder.
If you are an aspiring young actor looking for a great start to your career, this is could be the production for you. You can leave a comment below and take a look at the casting information from the production company.
Casting Information :
Auditions are Saturday May 5th / Shoot is mid-late May in Brooklyn NY.
Parents are invited to apply on behalf of their children via the email scholastic2@yahoo.com by responding with a headshot or representative picture of your child along links to any relevant previous work.
Hi I'm Aliyah I'm 12 years old turning 13 in 5 day. I have always wanted to act since I was a little girl. When I was in 6th grade I started to act in a school play but I stopped because I had basketball practice. Now I'm in the 7th grade. Milo and Meg the star casts on Zombie inspired me that you shouldn't give up on your dream. So I hope u accept my offer. Email me and I will send you my number. 🤗🤗
Hi my name is Stella and I am new to this acting stuff. I’m 13 yes old and would love to start something new and get out of my comfort zone. I live in New Zealand Northland. I am Maori/Pakeha. I am really hoping to get a lead role. My dream role would to be a shy new girl just starting high school then turning into this bad ass girl that’s confident and doesn’t take bad comments from anyone. Hoping to hear back from you guys
Pi also play netball and can do some gymnastics.
Hi my name is Jojo, i am 12 years old, i have been in two plays always the character cracking jokes any moment possible, i cant go 3 seconds with out smiling, i love memorizing lines its gives you something to do and its overall fun, i am very passionate about acting. i get along with people very well. i can makes friends with pretty much anyone. i am also great at facil exspressions. i am not one of those perfect girls, i am not super skinny, and i think to make a statment you should give the role not to one of the barbie type girls.
hi my names Emily I am from the uk and I am 11 years of age also am looking for a singing job ,I have sung for 10 years so I would like to show you what I have got. THANKYOU!
Hi I'm Maya and I am really new to the acting community. I love acting, I guess it's like, I just know it's want I want to do. I know this sounds realy lame but yeah…
So back to the introduction, I'm Maya Osborne. I'm tweleve years old (turning 13 in august) and I am around 5"2/5"3. I'm from England and if I was going to an audition I'd be able to go anywhere in London. I really hope someone notices this comment, and if you do please contact me! 😉
hi I'm Grace McDaniel and I'm 11, I am 5'2. And I weigh 106 lbs. All my life I wanted to be something to tell people I am better than they think. Because I got bullied and they said I would never be anything. So I wondering if I could be a model for your company. If you want some pictures of me right away you can check out my
I'm 10 years old I have blonde hair I'm a boy. I don't have much acting experience but I really would like to start
I also am 4' 11"
hi henry. if you live in Michigan, or even if you don't, I know that the studios has offices in other places. I really recommend trying the studios. I did and I got great training and opportunities to get myself out there.
Hi my name is Kerri Steding, and i'm 11 years old and im 4'11. I remember I was 6 years old I was singing and I felt like this is what I wanted to do. Then I was thinking I want to do more so I started to get into dance, and then into acting and I really believe that I can make it some day and I will love for that to come true.
Hi, my name is Rowan Margerison-bet you can't pronounce that! I am not one of those girls whose hearts are set on loads of hobbies. It would be a dream-come-true to get a part in a part in a film/movie.
I am 12 years old but I am only about 4' 7". I live in Scotland and I have dreamed about becoming an actress for years. I would my dreams to become reality.
Rowan (:
Hi my Name is Evie Bowles, I'm 5'2, eleven years old and I live in England. It has been my dream to be a singer one day and I'm waiting until the day my dream may or may not come true. For as long as I can remember, I have had my heart set on being a singer. I would like to show my talent to the world and express my feelings through singing. xxx
I love making people laugh and smile, have emotions all over the place
Hi my name is Aicha and I will love to be with you.
Hello my name is Ellena Lee, I am 12 years old soon to be 13, I am in middle school, I have dark black hair and dark brown eyes, I am in between 5'1 and 5'2, I love tacos, I can play a little of the ukulele, five chords on the guitar,I don't have much experience in acting but thats what I want to do, the reason why i want to act is because its my passion i've been searching for so long, for open auditions. I decided to try this out. Another reason would be for my friends they have a whole bunch of actors they would love to meet and if i could do that for them i'd make them and I both happy, one other reason is because i'd love to meet new people and work with new people, and I can't lie its also the money, I'm from wisconsin so not really able to go anywhere. Thank you for your time!
Hi! my name is Chloe. I am twelve years old, I'm in year 7, I live in Sydney, Australia and I have been doing acting since I was four. I have also been doing trapeze and circus for almost 6 years and I enjoy doing anything from video games and watching TV to playing soccer or basketball. I have short brown hair and green eyes, I'm around 5'6 and I have a lot of experience in stage acting but I have never done screen acting and I would really love to try it. I have been in musicals and multiple school plays and I go to Newtown High School of the Performing Arts. I'm never afraid to try new things and I don't play any musical instruments but I have been in multiple dance shows even though I don't do any dance classes.
Hi i’m am sophia i am 11 years old i weigh 70 pounds and i am a dancer and singer. I have done 4 musicals such as , The Little Mermaid, Willy wonka, Shrek, and just recently Seussical, all linked with my performing arts school. I take several dance classes and music classes such as choir, jazz, musical theater, drama, and i can also do many tumbling tricks. I am pretty sure i have a few acting skills and which i am looking for something such as a commercial or a very small one episode thing to start of my career as a theater girl and actress. I am a very big fan of the TV Netflix Original Series “Stranger Things” and i wanted to get linked to a TV show or movie that has almost the same type of genre. Thank you and i’m looking forward to any auditions.
Hello! My name is Shyasta. I am looking for a role in an play. I have a sense of humour in my school, like I am the class clown. I have auditioned for 1 role in my school, turns out I got 3. I used to go to karate but I have been taking some time off. This is my dream I would like to accomplish, like stranger things. Thanks.
Hello! My name is Shyasta. I would like to audition for a role. I have brown hair with dark brown eyes. I am looking for a role in stranger things or something like that. I am 10 years old, my passion is to be and actor. I have a sense of humour at home and school. People laugh at my jokes but there is a tiny problem. If I tell them the joke before class starts they laugh then like a pig and my teacher asks what's going on, and they blame it on me :). Welp Thanks!
hi my name is giovanni zayas i am 11 years old i am 4 feet 9 inches and im a guy. i really want to act on disney or nick.
i am also black and hispanic.
hi my name is giovanni zayas i am 11 years old i am 4 feet 9 inches and im a guy. i really want to act on disney or nick.
Hi my name is Erica Frank and I would love to be in a movie or tv show. It would be really fun. I'm 11 right now but in a little less than 3 months i will be 12. I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I am about 5 ft 1.I really hope you will let me be on a tv show. I have always wanted to. I've just finished watching season 2 of stranger things. I hope i can be on that too. Thank you
My Name is Sophia Baldwin I'm 11 years old and I want to be in the TV show biz and to live my dream as a actor
My name is kensey I am 10 years old I can really act I don't really have much to say but please reply me
My name is TaeZhanae but I go by Tae or Taezha, I am a ten year old girl, though I won’t be for much longer since my birthday is November 25. I have short black curly hair, dark brown eyes, a brown/tan skin tone. I have a passions in both singing and acting. I would like to think some of my main traits are that i’m down to earth, loyal, and not quick to anger. Thought I am a bit of a grammar police, I would like to think I am also friendly and I don’t get annoyed thought I can be annoying. I am often told I am an old soul or more mature than my peers. I can be both mature at times and imature when it comes to my humor, I am prone to dark and light humor. I have a phone number so if you would like to contact me through text now, email me for details.
My name is jo'Aonna conley i am a girl i am 11 years old i am in the sixth grade i weigh 95 pound and i am 4"ll" i have sort black dreds dark brown eyes skin color a little light brown i can do a lot of different acting modes mostly i preform at an american setting stage i go to school at toledo school for the arts (TSA) i have 10 years werth expperience ini acting i also do dance sing model a little bit of rap so this is all about me hope i get in.
i am 11 and in 6th grade and free for the summer i would love to become a actor and its always been my dream
My name is jo'Aonna conley i am a girl i am 11 years old i am iin the sixth grade i weigh 95 pound and i am 4"ll" i have sort black dreds dark brown eyes skin color a little light brown i can do a lot of different acting modes mostly i preform at an american setting stage i go to school at toledo school for the arts (TSA) i have 10 years werth expperience ini acting i also do dance sing model a little bit of rap so this is all about me hope i get in.
hi my name is jada im 11 yrs old i write my own that are seven mins long i really want to be a singer and tour across th world.
Hi my name is Raylene i would like to be an actor. I am currently 11 almost 12. I have brown eyes, I have natrual browna and blonde at the tips of my hair. My dream is to play in a lead role in a movie.I hope u guys see this have a fantastic day.😀
i want to be a singer when i grow up
Hi I'm Cali Cloutier (kah-lee kloo-chay) and I am 10 almost 11 years old. I am a dancer a swimmer and a drawer. I am in 5th grade. I have blond hair, glasses soon to be contact lenses, green eyes, big lips, pearly white teeth, and high noticeable cheekbones. I love to write, and sing. I think I would be good for the part of a 12 year old, for I am tall and weigh a little more for my age. My acting weaknesses are crying,I can't always cry on command. My stength is that I have the ability to express emotions clearly. I have never been in any sort of entertainment or advertisement, but I do have a YouTube channel. I live in Canada so I may not be able to fly out to the US if auditions or shoots are there. I think I would be an amazing actor on Disney,but I accept any channel.Well anyways this is my resumé so I hope I get the part!
Hi, my name is Emily. I am 12 years old in grade 8. I have some experience with acting. This includes, over 8 years of local musical theatre plays. I have blue eyes and curly blonde hair. Also, I am 5'5". I really hope I can get this role as I am very fun and silly.
Hi, my name is Emily. I am 12 years old in grade 8. I have some experience with acting. This includes, over 8 years of local musical theatre plays. I have blue eyes and curly blonde hair. I really hope I can get this role, as I am very fun and silly.
Hi, my name is Kei'Shaila S. McDaniel, I'm 10 years old and in 5th grade. I have curly, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and I am 5'0. I have a little experience of being on camera. I do a show called "The Morning News Show" and I sometimes run the computer and sometimes give them the news. I have been dreaming of being a actress since I was seven, I like dancing and I am going to write a piece to act out and then I'll post it on Youtube. I like basketball, and singing. I just really want to meet my idols who are Cameron Boyce, Booboo Stewart, Dove Cameron, China Anne Mcclain, Skai jackson, Karan Brar, and Peyton List. I would really like this acting job because I would like to work right beside my idols. Thanks and if I get the part, I would be so happy.
Hi my name is percis I have been acting for five years I am in acting class I hope there are acting auditions there for me I am a good runner and I play soccer.
Hi it's lavonya again I have always wanted to be in the TV business.
Hi I'm lavonya Hough in live in South Bend IN I am 11 years old I have been in 2 musical and 1 play.I can play basketball,la Crosse,dance and sing I can remember line very well and I enjoy meeting new people.One last thing is I have a big family it is me,my mom,my stepdad,my little sister and my cousin.So I really hope you consider putting me in a show or even a movie.p.s I can only do show,movies in Chicago, Wisconsin and any where in Indiana 😎.
Also I play netball, can swim very well have blond curly hair and dark blue eyes! Please choose me for an acting part if I sound like who you need!!
Hi I'm 11 and I have been in some of my school productions including playing the parts of jafar in Aladdin, rudyard Kipling in a play about the poem 'if' and king Harold in a play about the fight to be king resulting in the battle of Hastings and William the first to be king, I am very passionate about acting and love it, it makes me feel like I am that character and that is the world I live in! My name is ella!
hello i'm Michael and I am 10 years old thats all im going to tell you
I am 11 years old i am althletic,I am weird (acationally),I have blue eyes 4'10 i am around 135 and 140, I have blond hair,my favorite sports are soccer,swimming and,riding bikes,I've always wanted to be in a movie,and tv shows and,this would be a big step in life for me I've never been so hopeful and thank you if I get in and I didn't get inspired myself it was jojo siwa
I meant 135 or 140 lbs
Hi, my name is Layla Stone and I am 12 years old. In 6th grade going into 7th this year. I am 5'4 in height and 110 in weight. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. I have tanned skin, dark hair and dark eyes. I have some experience in acting and singing. I love acting, it has been my dream for as long as i can remember. I can cry on cue and be very dramatic. I have lots of emotion.
Hi, my name is Hannah. I am 12 years old and going into 7th grade. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I am 5 feet tall and around 80 pounds. I swim, run, and play basketball and soccer. I have been in 6 school plays, as well as some in my free time. Some of my roles include Snow White, in the production "Snow white," Roo in Winnie the Pooh, and the beloved cow milky white in a rebooted version of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Hi I'm Justin Miller I'm 11 years old and i've been searching for disney chnl & nickelodeon audition and im trying to get a gig on a tv show
Hi my name is Mona I am 11 turning 12 in oct. I am very active and positive. I've always wanted to be an actress and be very successful. I can speak English and Bengali , taking Spanish next year at school. I had drama class before in 3rd grade and did pretty good at acting. My school have mucicals , my opinion not the best at singing, but I can act. I love being outside and meeting other people. I hope I get this audition, Thank You.
Hi,my name is Lisa I'm 12 years old in 6th grade going to 7th I have brown eyes 4'3 I love art can play piano kinda sporty Born and raised in New York and would love to been an actress and I can accomplish anything if I try hard
Hi, my name is Isabelle Harris, I am 12 years old, I have beach blonde hair and blue eyes. I am 5'2 and I am about a little less then average weight for my age. I am very athletic. I play three sports, Basketball, Soccer and Softball. I am very outgoing and a people person. I am very friendly. I am homeschooled, so I am always free. For my elective I do all music.
Hi I'm Amber and I'm 12 years old I love dance and gymnastics I also love singing and I would love to be a star one day please consider me!
Hi,My name is Sydnie.I am 12 years old,and I have curly brown hair.I have a ethic culture.I am a mix of Hispanic,Korean,and African American.I about 5'2" and about 80 pounds.I would love to be chosen for a part because it would be a very helpful,and awesome,and great opportunity for me! I have straight 'As' in school. Please consider me! Everyone started somewhere!
Hey, I'm Reagan. I am twelve years old, and I have been acting for 4 years. I have been in serious roles and goofy roles. I have a wide range of acting and have a moderate singing voice. I can tap dance, figure skate, and can cry on cue.
I also have straight dark brown hair, brown-hazel eyes, and have pale skin, but tans in the sun.
I usually go for the quirky, or weird sidekick.
I also do ASL which is American Sign Language. I'm so sorry but I'm very proud of learning it so I had to post it. Also I'm learning French.
It's me again, I also do ASL which is American Sign Language. I'm so sorry but I'm very proud of learning it so I had to post it. Also I'm learning French.
Along with my other comment, I forgot to mention I was on the school track team and I swim. I was in the chorus at school and I volunteer for something called RVAccess where you help kids with disabilities. I'm also very mature for my age. Thanks!!!
HI my name is Emilie jeannot I am a 10 year old girl and i'm involved in danceing and drama class.
Hi, my name is Mirab and I am 1 years old. I can play the flute and piano. I have a very strong passion for singing and acting. I play volley-ball and basketball. I have medium length brown hair and I am 5'4.5.
Hi my name is Zoe Turgelsky and I have a huge passion for singing,acting , and dancing I'm ten years old eleven in one month and I understand if I don't get picked but hey I'm just a girl trying to make my dream actually happen.
I've been singing since I was 5
Acting since 6
And dancing since 4
And now I do musical theater and dance ever since age 6 , 5 , and 4
hi I'm called Gwennan, I'm 11 years old short curly brown hair. I love swimming, netball and playing the drums. I can also play the piano. I love acting and I'm not camera shy.
Hi my name is Madeline and I am 12 years old. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I'm 5'3. I'm a level 8 gymnast at VIGS and I love to read and write. I'm writing a book at the moment. I've always dreamed of being in a movie. I absolutely love nature and animals, I have 9 pets. I'm curious, have an amazing imagination, and I'm brave. I would love to be in a movie, especially one that was made from a book. Thanks an you can contact me anytime.
Hello my name is keisha ghenda I am 12 and I have a passion for singing and acting. I have been looking for acting jobs on the Disney chnl unfortunetly I am in the UK I want to know if I can still audition. I would also like to know if I could make a video audition. My suitable character in acting is silly clumsy and generous and I love to relate to my characters personality. I also like singing shows. I can also draw.
My name is Heidi I have been in two school plays Beauty and the Beast and Charlie and the chocolate factory. I play basketball, volleyball, I go to college for kids, This is my first year, I do drama camps, I do community service and I love to cook. I hope I get to the stage. Thank you !
Hi, my name is Inara Chowdhury. I'm in 6th grade and I'm 11 years old. My birthday is August 1st. I'm a bit underweight for my size, and my height is 4'5. I'm somewhat athletic, I can run, swim, play volleyball, and play soccer. I'm good at school, with a 93% average. I have this weird shade of brown hair, which is mixed with red. It's all natural. I can play really good pranks on friends and my brother. At school, I take chorus and I can speak English, Bengali, Urdu, and Hindi. I can also speak a bit of Spanish, Italian and French. Also, being an actress and a model has been my dream since I can remember.
Hi! My name is Kennady and i'm in 6th grade. I am 12 years old. I have golden brown hair, light brown eyes, and I am 94 pounds. I do sports like softball, basketball, and some gymnastics. I love to be hyper and I am a small town girl.
Hiya, my name is Taniya I'm 11 (12 in mid may) and in year 7. I love to act and draw and express myself..
I have medium brown skin and dark brown eyes and hair..
Hi my name is chinatu i am tweleve years old and in jss 2 i love acting i hope some day i will be an actress and am very good at acting. Thanks
Hi I am Abby I am all most in 6th grade but I am in 5th at the moment. I am ten soon to be 11. I am sort of obnoxious at times. My friends say I am really funny and pretty😌. I was in a show choir camp and I am in chorus and band at my school. I play soccer, basketball, and softball. I also went to an after school acting club and I learned a lot about acting. I dont care whatever role I can get it doesn't really matter to me as long as I participate. So that is basically all about me!
Hi my name is Angela Jankova I am 10 . I"m from Macedonia.I chold sing draw play sports and imitate .Whonce i was on a compotisene for singing. So plese e-mail my mom becase this is my dream .😊😇
Hi my names Angela i am 10 I "m from Macedonia .I chold sing draw and imitate . Whonce I was on a compotison for singing and i won 3 place . Also i chould play tenis soccer doge ball . I want to adisseion for a movie so please e-mail my mom on
Because it"s my dream
Hi my name is Sarah. I am 12 years old. I have great passion in video games,acting, and art. I can play the violin, guitar, and a little bit of the violin.I am athletic and creative. I have been cast as the lead in a grade play that I along with a few buddies wrote. I have dark brown hair, brown eyes, and about 5'3. I am average weight but i am very skinny.
my name is malvin call me text me or whatsapp me