Do you have a little star at home? Is your baby bursting with beauty and energy and always ready for the camera? It’s time to share your child with the world in The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest! Auditions for this amazing star making opportunity are happening now. You can submit your little angels pictures today and be on your way to having your baby be the face of a national Gerber ad campaign and winning $50,000 dollars toward his or her college education.
Photo submissions are being accepted online now on their Facebook Page here: http://www.facebook.com/Gerber. The final winner of The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest will be determined by online voting so apply for your child today and then be sure to vote for him or her and have all of your friends and family do the same. A national ad push and a $50,000 dollar tuition grant could be right at your child’s wee fingertips so don’t delay. We will be sure to post every update for the contest as they become available so keep checking in and leave a comment below and tell us why you bundle of joy should be the winner of The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest.

Gerber has been the name of all things baby since 1927, a company that parents trust and products that babies love. Since 1928 The Gerber Baby has been a staple of Gerber’s marketing and packaging strategy, an image trusted and recognized the world over. Now your special child has the chance to be that face – his or her beautiful smile known throughout the country as part of a huge advertising push. The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest is seeking the perfect child to be the new representative of their legendary brand and they are accepting submissions from happy, healthy babies that can light up the room with their smile and charisma. If you think that that perfectly describes your little one the Gerber Company would like to hear from you today.
Apply today and your child could wind up with $50,000 and be know worldwide as the face of Gerber by winning The Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest!
My gorgeous son would be a great Gerber baby. He is an extremely happy baby who has a ton of expressions. He has nice dark features that stand out along with his curly hair. He has a great personality that touches everyones heart. He truly is a beautiful baby all the way around!
Our 4 1/2 month sweet boy would make a great "Gerber baby"! He loves to smile and to be happy!
I have a Beautiful baby girl who is bubbly with a beautiful smile..She would make a Fabulous Gerber baby 🙂
I believe that my petite,beautiful and happy 6 month old daughter would make a great addition to the other Gerber babies. She has a wonderful personality already in her tiny little package.
I have the cutest 3month baby boy ! He's so adorable. He came in this world with a head full of hair ! Hes so alert an attentive . He's beyond his years , so smart . He's so Juicy , just a chunky happy baby boy !
I have the cutest little 8 month old boy. He loves smiling for the camera. He talks to the baby signs and posters in walmart. Everyone who sees him says he is the worlds cutest baby with an adorable smile. I would love to enter my son into the contest.
I am a single mom blessed with a lovely 7 month old baby girl named Maya. Everyone tells me she looks just like the Gerber baby! I'd love to find out more about this contest.
Our four month old Hudson lights up a room and his smile melts hearts. I would like to enter him into the Gerber Generation Healthy Baby Photo Contest.
Our Ari Maximus just turned 10 months. He is half American and half Dutch. He is so beautiful. Everyone stops and tells us how beautiful he is wherever we go. They even say he is a Gerber baby! He has blonde curly hair and blue eyes. He knows what the camera is and smiles whenever i just point it at him. And he loves books. He is always looking through his books, turning the pages on his own. He is such a sweet baby. And we could definitely use that prize money to start his college future.
I am a 26 year old proud mother of two handsome twin boys! Everyone always tell me my son Raj looks just like the gerber baby! He is so sweet. Blonde hair blue eyes and his smile just lights up the room! Definetly would like to enter him for this contest! His twin Ryder is just at adorable blonde hair blue eyes so cute!! Will enter them both! 🙂
Im the grandma of a very healthy nine month old boy. His name is Bo Michael Cowger. Let me know what we do next,we are excited to be entering.
With the amount of times that I have heard from strangers and the like that my son Jameson looks like a Gerber baby… I figured maybe he can be the face for the brand. Jameson (aka JJ by his big sister) lights up a room with his personality and smile. Always a happy, smiling baby. Hopefully it will be a fit made for Gerber.
i have the cutest,most smart ,prettiest ,tiny funny little peanut, she should be the gerber baby and everyone tells me i should send photo's, she love's the camera has the perfect baby face , the perfect amount of hair and the best smile a baby could have…..oh and did i mention her eyes and eyeslashes are to die for
My 2 1/2 month old daughter, Violet, lights up the world with her new found smile.Just being told she should be a gerber baby is just part of the journey that led me to this realization. She represents the purest and most simple form of love I could ever know. When she was born to be my daughter I was born to be her mom.
My 8 month old is a very smart and happy baby! We can never take a quick trip to the store, 10 minutes turns into an hour since we get stopped so often because people can't help but want to approach him.He has his own crazy personality and loves to learn new things.He shakes his head no, claps when we sing rhymes or chant "Let's Go Dodgers.." and his laugh is the most addicting sound!He crawls and pull him self up to get around..they grow way too fast
Hi, I have a beautiful little baby girl who is 10 months old!! She is my little sunshine!! Always smiling throughout the day!!! She is truly amazing and she would be a perfect gerber baby!! She is full of energy!!!! We can't go anywhere without someone coming up to us saying how precious and adorable she is!!
I am the proud mother of a beautiful, bright eyed 4 month old girl. Her smile is contagious! She has cute little dimples, a cheeky personality, and love the camera! I always said she would be the perfect Gerber baby 🙂
Hi there, Ava is currently 6 months old and has such a big personality. She is an adorable baby, everyone compliments her all the time. She has long lashes, a cute little face, big bright eyes and is always smiling. Everyone tells me that i should enter her into this contest so i would like to give her the opportunity to win hearts and represent one of America's best brands.
I have A LIFE LONG PLAY DATE 4 month old TWINS. Blessed with a girl and a boy. Both focusing and loving the camera already. Think they would be a perfect addition to the Gerber Baby FAMILY.
i have a very beautiful , 8 month old girl. anywhere we go 9 out of 10 people wanna hold her, or just stop us to tell us how gorgeous she is. shes very photogenic. my family and friends always tell me to enter her in baby contest , some even tell me to send her pics to ellen degenerest. we were out of town once this man stoped us & said you have the gerber baby of 2013 and this is wat sums up why i believe Hayden A'Rihana Leath-Hester can win this gerber baby contest!!
I have 4 month old LIFE LONG PLAYDATE! TWINS… Blessed with a girl and a boy. Love the camera already especially my girl. Think they would be a perfect addition for the Gerber baby family. Nothing ventured nothing gained 😉
We have a 7 month old baby boy that loves to smile and loves the camara. People always say hes such a "gerber baby".
We appreciate your time and attention
My grandson Riley is 6 years old and the love of my life. From the moment he was born he had a special place in my heart. Like myself Riley is a red head. Of course the colour of his hair draws lots of attention. Only 10% of the world population has red hair.
It is not only his hair that stands out but his personality as well. Riley is charming and very kind hearted. It is not uncommon to find him reading to the toddlers (including his sister) at school. He is a wonderful big brother to his sister Brooklyn.
I have twin 9 month old girls that are just so happy all the time, and are very photogenic. Everyone stops us, and says they look like Gerber babies, so I thought it would be worth a chance.
Thank you,
I have a beautiful baby girl who is two years old. She is full of energy and loves the camera. She has such a beautiful smile and she's is just an amazing little girl. My husband and I cannot go anywhere without getting stopped by people asking us why she's not a baby model
Please send me information!! My daughter is 2 fully of energy loves the camera has brown curly hair sparkling eyes and eyelashes that are so long !
My 8 month old son has a to die for smile and dimples.
My granddaughter is 21 months old and is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! She has brown hair and blue eyes with the LONGEST eyelashes you have ever seen and is always happy. People will stop me ALL THE TIME to tell me how beautiful she is. Thanks for the opportunity, we are excited to hear from you O:)
my son is almost 11 month old. he's my mini me. He has a smile that will turn any cloudy day to sunshine and chubby cheeks that's irresistible to pinch. To me he's best look ever is when he is shy, he won't frown or give you his best smile but a smirk is all you need. I love this kid and everyone who meets him does too.
I have 14 month old fraternal twin boys, a blond and brunette who are constantly stopped in public and told how adorable they are. And they already love the camera.
My son, Levi is 7 months old and is such a happy and full of life type of baby. His little dimples come out and his bright blue eyes sparkle when he smiles,(which is all the time). He is the perfect fit for the Gerber brand.
Would have to show a picture to see my baby beauty. One year old born the fourth of July, and she is definately a firecracker. Loves attention from people and is always complimented on her beauty,With a mix of hispanic and french she is a little stunner.
My daughter is 8.5 months. She has a smile that can melt any person's heart. She has a head full of beautiful shiny black locks that curls at the ends. She exudes a ton of energy and has such a contagious smile. She loves to sing already and is a talker. She has beautiful tanned skin that I've no idea where it's from and makes me jealous. Her thighs make you just want to bite into them and she has cheeks for days. I say she breaks my heart because she is amazingly beautiful and her dad laughs at me every time I say so.
I have a 7 month going to be 8 month son named Bryson. He's a very loving kind hearted baby and enjoys people around him. He doesn't get stranger anxiety and smiles all day long. People stop all the time to say hi to him an tell me he should be on gerber or huggies! He would be the perfect gerber baby.
I am the proud aunt of a 5 year old nephew and a 19 month old niece. They are by far the best looking kids on the planet. They will make your heart melt. They are always in front of a camera and will light a room. There is never a doll moment when these two brother and sister are around. They have great personalities and smiles that will turn everyday into a good day. They are the perfect gerber kids!
I can't go anywhere without being stopped multiple times to be told I have the cutest baby EVER.
Hi I have a 10 month old little boy that is beautiful every where we go everyone tells us he is a gerber baby he is just a happy baby big blue eyes wonderful personality he is hands down the next gerber baby
My baby girl is a week and two days today, she is the most happy and beautiful little girl.When she came out she was smiling and laughing. She has an amazing personality any time someone talks to her she smiles. I know she will be a great candidate for the gerber baby contest because she is gorgeorous, and even when she took her hospital pictures she wouldn't stop smiling and making different facial expressions.
My 5mth old little girl tops the charts with her Michelin Man rolls and contagious smile:)
Her blue eyes sparkle and her dimples get attention!
I have a 2 and a 1 yr old beautiful girls that are energetic and very spontaneous and full of love. I can truly say I have my salt and pepper babies whose eyes light up like the fourth of July. You will not be disappointed in them what so ever.
my son is 10 months old and everywhere i go they tell me hes the next gerber baby hes just amazing and very handsome he has what it take to be a gerber!
My son are so cute and so handsome
I would like to become involved in this opportunity for my gorgeous son Asher so he may have fun and experience all that he can!
Has this contest started?
Hi, my son, now 15 months was born 8 weeks early. I had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks after his birth due to complications and he stayed 3 weeks. If you look at him now, you can not tell he is a premie. He loves Gerber food and it is hard to give him anything else. He is very handsome with a smile that will melt you, especially when he is eating 🙂
How can my son enter gerber contest 2013 he has the perfect lookof a Asian gerber people ask to take pictures and they say gerber baby
How can my baby enter gerber baby contest 2013 my baby gets asked a lot if they can take a pic of my baby he's almost 9 months .
need info on 2013 Gerber or any baby casting calls- especially in ny/nj. My daughter is 11 mths- and amazing in front the cameras.
My son Gaebriel is a vibrant 7 month old. He brightens up a room wherever he goes. I'm constantly being stopped by people so they can look at him. He's such a happy and adorable baby. I'm sure he would be a perfect fit. ^_^
My little Olivia would be such a great pick for the next Gerber baby. Chubby cheeks, big blue eyes she is just a natural born cutie 🙂
Aurora is the definition of gerber baby. She is always in a good mood, so curious about everything. Her cheeks are always rosy even when she is chilly! Aurora is a very healthy baby, Her cheeks are little squishy chipmunk cheeks. Her smile is contagious which will leave the whole room smitten. If only I could attach a photo.
My 4 month old, Malachi is full of personality. He always wears a smile and you can't help but notice just how cute he is. Everywhere we go people always stop us and inform us of what we already know, Malachi is beautiful 😉 they say things like, "I thought he was a baby doll, until he moved" or "you need to enter him into a photo contest", So here we are! Please pick my baby! He will make the BEST Gerber baby!
My son is 10 months and he loves his picture taken. He has beautiful blue eyes and light brown hair, everyone keeps telling me to get him in a baby contest cause how cute he is…so here we are. Please consider my son:)
My son Brayden is a healthy 6 month old bouncing baby boy. He turns heads wherever we go and is always caught flirting with the ladies. He is always smiling and it's even easy to make him laugh. He's just an all around joy to be around. I think he has all the energy you'll ever need and if you give him a chance to show you, you'll get to see for yourself.
My daughter Brynnley is always compared to the Gerber baby when people first meet her. She is a healthy chubby 7 month old and has a perfect round face with chubby cheeks, perfect little lips, a button nose and BIG bright blue eyes with long lashes! She has the cutest personality and cute dimples when she smiles 🙂 She would not let you guys down! 🙂 I believe she is the next Gerber baby!
My son Ayden is fun, loving, and full of energy! He enjoys making people laugh & showing love with hugs and kisses! His beautiful smile can make your heart melt.
My Daughter Olivia Juliett is 5 monthes, she has a smile that can brighten up a room, shes such a sweet baby girl and loves the attention (;
my son is 10 months old and everywhere we go people stop to tell me how handsome he is and his smile could light up a room
My son is going on 4 months. I must say he is the most handsome baby ever. He is very photogenic and he loves smiling. I have been told he would make a good gerber baby. I totally agree ❤
Everywhere I take my daughter she is praised, I have been told she looks like a doll and should put her in a contest.
My 3 month son is the cutest . And always smiles. He should be on the front of pampers diapers .LOL. or t.v
Hello I have a 7month old baby boy who is german and Italian, he's has been told he needs to be put into modeling since day one, he is also known as Mr.Smiley!
When random men come up to you at a sporting event all ages and tell you cute kid, well i think i need to do something about this!
My baby girl is 1.She is half Indian and half Caucasian American, she has very pretty skin tone and smile..
My name is Kelly Baldwin
I have a 3 month old little girl
Since she has been born people tell me to get her into beauty pagents, tv, and so forth.
I hope to hear from you soon<3
My baby boy is always compared to the Gerber baby. He's now 8 months with the most gorgeous dimpled smile, colored eyes and easy going personality. He's very photogenic and always smiling.
I have the two cuties. The most prettiest little girls there are.Shakira 2years of age and Shalaya 2 months. Am sure everyone thinks this about there little cuties,but mine are..As they say a picture is worth a thousand words so give me a got and you'll.. see.
I just love my daughters smile and I know you would too.
My son is the cutest, bright eyed, curly haired, baby you have ever seen. At 10 month he is very adventurous and smile all the time. He needs to be the face for somebody.
I have the most healthy and cute baby brother his name
Is lexas
i have twins two boys i would love to get them into this…they are year old and they are totally different from each other….but this would be nice to try…
CONNOR LEE BRINN is the Cutest Most Adorable BABY YOU Will Ever Meet! He was Born September 15, 2012. My Brand New Little Boy Has not Stopped Smiling Since hes entered this World! Hope to Hear from You Soon = )
My son ta'kye is very energetic, lovable and has a smile all day everyday he can light a room up…..
My daughter is beautiful . ❤
Hi, I have a 7 months old baby boy that is one happy baby & handsome guy.My baby have the biggest smile that would light up the whole room .If you pick him , I promise he would not let you guys down .Hope you would give him a chnace . Thank You
My daughter is the cutest baby ever!!